Dads Against Porn wants to thank you for your visit and participation. Comments, following, adding, tweeting, etc., etc., are very much appreciated and reciprocated. ;o)

Friday, June 4, 2010

I cannot begin to tell you how wrong this is!!

The comments on this video range from amused to outrage. Yes folks there are parents out there that not only allow their children to do things like this but actually encourage it. What do you think? I for one am disgusted...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Friday, May 21, 2010

Want to put your 125X125 card on one of my 3 sites? It's EASY...for now ;o)

Would you be interested in placing your 125X125 card on my side panel to the right? I will eventually be coming up with some kind of contest for this but for now I want to offer 2 card slots for trade. If you place my card on your site, your card will stay on mine as long as mine is on yours. Not a bad offer I think. ;o) Just drop me a note as a comment letting me know that you are interested. Remember that I am offering only...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Would you allow your daughters to do this then post the video to youtube?

This is inappropriate. These parents actually thought this was oka...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Child trafficking in your own back yard?

Did you know that Child Trafficking is a major problem in the Philippines even today? According to DSWD records they have assisted approximately 596 children, 188 boys and 408 girls, who were victims of trafficking last year. These children were subjected to anything from prostitution and pedophilia to pornography and child labor. Unicef has stated that the Philippines has the highest incidence of child prostitution in a...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Friday, April 9, 2010

Do your children have a "Right" to privacy?

We all demand a right to our privacy. There is a valid concern for who knows what about you. Everything from financial information to that brown shoe box that you keep stashed on the top shelf in the back of your closet. Lives, relationships, businesses, and even governments have been toppled because some piece of privileged information has fallen into the wrong hands. What I would like to know is what you think about...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check out "Net Nanny" What your child does on the internet is your business ;o)

Right at this moment the number one software on the market for keeping unwanted material off of your families computers is Net Nanny.Following is an excerpt from their website; "Blocks Pornography and Protects Families and Children Much more important than how it works, is that you know that Net Nanny does work. You have the peace of...
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Earth Hour! Let's join the party ;o)

I think the poster says it all. Amazing how easy it will be for us to show some solidarity for the desire to save our planet. This planet after all is the only one we have. Unless Tom Cruise has some information that we don't have. ;o) (A friend at posted about this. I agree that this is something worth spr...
Please read on ;o)... >>

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello and Welcome ;o)

Hello and thank you for visiting this new site and for actually reading this post. The title must have gotten your attention. Well, I knew it would, and in connection with that I would like to clarify a couple of things before we go on; 1. This site is not affiliated with any religious group. It is not my intent to bash any group or organization specifically because they do not adhere to some religious belief or standard. 2....
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